So, here I was in a vast wilderness, uninhabited for decades, so clean and pristine, not a soul or footprint could be seen and then suddenly I was surrounded by a pack of wolves! That's right, not your friendly doggies like our very own VP of Licking. But ravenous beasts' that wish to tear me limb from limb, and that really didn't happen, but it would've been a really cool story!
Alright, alright, I'll get back to my vacation now...hehe
So, after going whale watching we stayed around for a bit longer and went on to some of the trails that could be found on Brier Island. It's by far one of the most beautiful spots that I have seen in this great country of ours! We walked a long a path to a place called seal's cove, and well, we had high hopes to see one, and since my baby sister Mackenzie is taking a keen eye to oceanography we thought it'd be great!
Here's a pic of us trudging through the vast wilderness that is Brier Island!

So on the path we went high and low and climb a couple of rock faces just for the sheer fun of it, and finally we arrived!

Sooo beautiful, but to our dismay, there was no seals! Seriously! None! So we were kind of disappointed, but not as disappointed as my baby sister, we looked and looked but still nothing could be found.

So we decided to head back to our little hotel room for the evening and maybe walk around downtown, but just then, my father saw something specular in the water, I didn't see it at first, and then again it popped out, and this time it caught my eye! So I grabbed the long distance lens from my father and sure enough, it was a seal! WE FOUND ONE!

If you look really close you can see the seal's head poking out the water! It was so cool!
So we kept a close eye on him for a little while, then another popped up and the sort of watched us for a duration then we decided to head back. Can't give them too much of a show you know?

As well here's a shot of the west point Lighthouse that was found later that evening on the island.

That was my first 3 days of my vacation! And they were well worth the trip I'd say! So we decided to head to my old stomping grounds, Prince Edward Island!! We were there for a couple of just relaxing days, and it was gorgeous as always! I love PEI! We went to Charlottetown to go to the Comic Hunter (which was my favourite store to go to) and just to see what's new and exciting in the old town but we found something quite amazing...

Yeah, that's right, a coffee shop named Beanz...How quaint.
From there we went to Cavendish beach and just walked a long the shores till sunset; those are my favourite times with my family.

I like that shot a lot just because it reminds me of some old 70's photos that my parents have.
Here's some more shots of PEI...

After my visit to PEI we high tailed it back to my homeland of Ontario to finish off the vacation...
Here it was mostly helping my parents out at the restaurant and by helping I mean doodling on everything...and seeing my Great Grandmother, my Great Uncle and my Grandparents. Not to mention to go running on some of the best roads in the country!
Here's a shot of my Great Uncle Danny

And a broach that my Grandfather gave my sister...

and finally, when we had big family supper I took a shot of some Tabasco sauce!

Can't go anywhere without the sauce!
And that's it! Hope you had a good read and enjoyed some of my photos!
Labels: Brier Island, Crabs, Sauce, VP of Licking